"Healing Woods" Escapes
Immerse in the natural tonics of what has been known as the "Healing Woods" for well over 100 years, where you can reconnect through immersive experiences. From revitalizing with hand-prepared Old World foods to nature-based culinary programs, nutritional energetics, and understanding how your voice can tell the state of your health.
Recalibrate & Reconnect
Over 130 years and four generations of hospitality in one of the world’s highly regarded natural sanctuaries that became known as the “Healing Woods” have created a sense of place where“recalibrating” and reconnecting has become our natural and human nature.
These natural tonics became one of our region’s most ancient attractions, accented during the late 1800s Cure Cottage Days and steeped in the therapeutic properties of our pine and balsam earthed in New York State's only designated wilderness canoe region. Our 25 acres are a historic and natural gathering place, earning a National Geographic Traveler award for “Keeping a sense of place.” The Lodge began as a stagecoach inn, a Cure Cottage resort, and an illustrious speakeasy in its history as now the Adirondacks longest operating Great Lodge.
Nutritional Energetics
Chef Cathy Hohmeyer, an occupational therapist, has created a unique reset guide called “Nutritional Energetics.” It simply suggests each of us has an energetic blueprint that must also be fed and healthy. How do you do that? What is it? Do we need to rethink food and cooking?
From understanding the importance of the colors of food to reconnecting your human biofield, we offer introductory and advanced experiences.
What is Nutritional Energetics: A New Look at Nourishing Mind, Body & Spirit
Nutritional Energetics begins with redefining food and cooking by understanding the energetics of your “human biofield” and what it can do to increase your “Energy Income,” Energy Strength” and “Energy Flow.”
Basic wellness cooking tips such as“10 Essentials Every Wellness Kitchen Should Have,” “Nourishing Foods Made Simple,” “Cooking Well – Once – for the Week,” and “Wellness Cooking on a Budget” are introductory, fun, and interactive.
Advanced offerings include“Understanding the Energetics of Food,” “Maximizing Your Energetic Blueprint,” and “How to Monitor Your Multi-Dimensional Body.”