Imagine When Sleighs Were a Lifeblood of Winter
Ride with a local farm on a beautiful wooden sleigh as it journeys through the Lodge's lantern-lit wooded trails while the stars show the way to the lake. Step back in time to when the Lake Clear Lodge operated in the Prohibition days, where they transported both people and the "spirits" of the woods via sleigh!
The Lake Clear Lodge partners with a local farm to offers sleigh rides 25-minutes from Lake Placid and 15-minutes from Saranac Lake.
Thank You For A Wonderful 2024-2025 Winter Season!
As of March 8th, 2025, we are officially closed for the winter season. To be notified when booking becomes available, click here! All pricing is based on the 2024-2025 season and is subject to change without notice for the 2025-2026 season.
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