Another "Quick Bread" without yeast

Make a quick loaf of bread and use a beer as your yeast. It is denser than "fluffy" bread but very moist. It is great tasted or warm with butter and is great with stews and sautes.

Beer bread with oats.

Editor's note

Looking for a quick bread without yeast or waiting for a long rise? Do you have a beer in your cupboard?? Boom - add flour and bake...almost..

Here you go

Heat your oven to 350 degrees and butter or oil or grease a loaf pan or even an 8x8 inch pan.

Dusting the pan with cornmeal will help or you can line it with parchment paper.

Mix 3 cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon good salt and 2 tablespoons sugar. Stir in the beer (mild if possible but a dark beer will be flavorful too)

Pour your batter into the pan and bake about 35 minutes for the loaf pan, less for the 8x8. To check for doneness use a knife or toothpick or wooden skewer, place in to the bread - if it pulls out clean - its done, if you pull it out and its goey... bake some more.

When done, cool for 5 minutes then use a knife around the edges and take it our of the pan.

You can drizzle it with a couple of tablespoons of melted butter if you want.

Once you make a plain loaf ... you will see how this is a batter that you could easily add sweet or savory items to.

Try 1/2 cup of oats

or a cup of fruit fresh or dried

or dandelions in spring... that recipe is in our Common Roots Cookbook written by Cathy & Ernest Hohmeyer.

Seasonal fresh foods that are simple and good. Tried and truly tested for 50 years in our restaurant.

Learn, Discern and Stay Nourished!,

Chef Cathy

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