History of Beer Workshops
Join Ernest Hohmeyer for a 30-minute experience about the history of beer, replete with a tasting of 6 beers from around the world! The topic changes monthly, corresponding with seasonal beers and trends, but you can always count on interesting conversation and tasty beverages.
Ernest came from a European family, where the only vacations they were able to afford was to go "family hopping" throughout the continent. With family stretching as far as Italy and Germany, to Portugal, many different flavors of cuisine and "spirits" were experienced. Thinking he had a solid foundation on the "worlds of beer", Ernest began the path of accreditation to find that his knowledge was only just beginning.
Beer is one of the world's most authentic and ancient beverages and linked directly to food via the making of bread, and this long history provides a wonderful opportunity to discuss how beer made our civilization. Each month there is a different theme and participants enjoy up to six different artisan beers from around the world along with trivia, myths and history.
Sample Seasonal Themes
Myths & History of Octoberfest
Myth or fact; Did the Germans create the first original Octoberfest style beer? How did Octoberfest start? Was it always about beer? History, trivia and personal anecdotes from the Hohmeyer family provide the flavor while you savor 6 different imported craft beers from ‘round the world.
The First Brews: Organic Elixirs
Fermenting is ancient. It wasn’t always about the beer, wine or alcohol for its own saké (okay, bad pun), though it did make those ancient rituals more fun to sit through! It was about preserving food, nutrition, homeopathic medicine and in some cases staying away from unpurified water. All natural, they served many purposes. Explore the world of organic elixirs from Native American White Pine Tea to the first IPA’s that were nothing like you taste today!
History of Prohibition Spirits Tasting & Workshop
Our area was a hotbed of activity during the prohibition. Lake Clear was a water and land taxi route between two famous hotels, and the train station at Lake Clear was where the main line from New York City split. With our proximity to Canada, and with the 1920s being the height of the Grand Hotel Era and the Cure Cottage Days, there was a diverse range of people who went through our doors. Relive these illustrious times with a tasting, history, and trivia. What happened during prohibition that forever changed the world of beer?
History of German Beers
What is a German Beer? How far back do they go? Are ales, lagers, and wheat beers the same in Berlin as in Munich? Are they the roots of today’s craft beers? Sample 6 beers as we explore the history and myths in a fun 30-minute tasting.
Available as a standalone activity for lodging guests or for the general public in combination with a dining experience.