Cultivate Life Force and Energy Levels through Foods, Frequency & Fun
Join us for a holistic health weekend. Do you wish you had the energy to do things you used to, or heal faster like you used to? Learn practical and simple ways to self-empower yourself and your family for resilient living.
Learn practical and simple self-empowerment tools
We can learn to help ourselves and our family members in many ways. From learning how your voice tells the state of your health, to old world food preparations that make foods full of nutrients to a super simple form of Qi Gong that cultivates Your Own Life Force from within.
- Strive for optimal health and Balance: Learn, Practice and have Fun. Together we are stronger.
- Follow up support group plus practical ways to incorporate the processes YOU like into your busy day.
Our world has changed! We can and need to redefine the way we look at Health - for the better! Come explore!
Participate onsite within our Nature based Holistic Health & Wellness weekend as we nourish our multidimensional bodies or join in specific programs online.
Learn to listen to what your body can tell you and how to balance your body from the Inside out.
We can listen to hundreds of people, what counts - and what can be the hardest is DOING "it" - and how to learn how to embrace and integrate "it" into our busy lives.
Arrival Day
Meet & Greet with light dinner, fireside intro workshop
Arrival & Lodging Check-in
Check-in to your lodging and explore the property or get settled and start to relax the body and calm the mind.
3:30 - 5:00 PM
Dinner Workshop
Learn ancient secrets to simple food preparation, what kept our ancestors healthy, and how we have changed it.
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
After DInner Fireside Discussion
Goals, discussion & chat time
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Purchase Your Tickets
Holistic Health Nature-based Weekend
Learn to listen to what your body can tell you and how to balance your body from the Inside out.
What you will Discover
- Your Energetic Signature the first FEW MINUTES that you are here. You will see what specific areas in your body are high or low in energy, how balanced your chakras are and get an mp3 for music to help balance them..and more. You have the option to receive a complete Bio-Well report on arrival and on departure. See how your energy changes and where to go next.
- What your body needs for nutrition...right now! via a bioacoustics* voice print
- How YOU can ask questions from your body. Learn muscle testing for yourself
- How you can release past emotions that may be trapped and can be holding you back from better health. See the FIX Code in action*
- How emotions or past events can triggering ancient Biological programs that may be giving you symptoms as a form of communication in an attempt to balance your body.
After Retreat Online Group available for continued contact.
About Your Host, Cathy Hohmeyer
Cathy has spent over 35 years being an executive chef focusing on traditional food preparations, running and co-owning a resort, homeschooling kids and learning about energy. It was and is a MUST! Come join the journey!
Cathy is a certified:
- F.I.X. Code Practitioner
- Bioacoustics Practitioner
- Block Therapy Teacher
- Emotion Code / Body Code Practitioner
- Qi Gong Teacher (Pangu Qi Gong)